The Importance of Diversity Training in The Workplace

Diversity training can be defined as an initiative to create awareness about diversity within the workforce and bring about cohesiveness in teams.

It aims at facilitating positive interactions and reducing prejudice and discrimination.

  • Diversity training helps prevent civil rights violations, increases the inclusion of different identity groups, promotes better teamwork, and creates a more inclusive work environment.

  • Diversity training helps employees become more aware of unconscious bias and other barriers to diversity and inclusion and motivates positive behaviors and attitudes – essential for creating and maintaining a respectful, inclusive workplace.

  • Diversity training enables employees to become more comfortable with concepts such as unconscious bias at work and cultural competency.

  • Diversity and inclusion training provides a safe, supportive place for people to face their biases and prejudice appropriately.

  • Diversity training helps to educate your employees, enhancing their cultural awareness, and teaching them the skills necessary to cooperate with others.

  • Diversity training helps employees to understand different perspectives of their colleagues and encourage them to think about how their actions could unintentionally offend someone.

  • Diversified teams learn and grow together towards creative solutions.

Carla Harris